Dining Together
The Dining Hall is considered by many to be the heart of St. Andrew's campus, and our long-standing school tradition of gathering family-style meals five days a week is vital to the life of our community.
Family-Style Meals
At family-style meals, every table in the Dining Hall is "assigned" to two faculty members, and eight students, mixed by form (typically two students per form) are assigned to each table. (Student table assignments rotate every two to three weeks.) During meals, students take turns as waiters, and are responsible for setting the table, bringing food to the table from the servery, and clearing the table. At the end of the meal, the student body co-presidents leads our daily student and faculty announcements.
The table assignment system allow students from different forms to get to know each other, and allow faculty to get to know students they haven't yet taught, coached, or advised. Family-style meals are a time when we try to momentarily slow the busy pace of our lives, and to connect and catch up with each other. Family-style meals take place during weekday lunches, and on Wednesday evenings before Chapel.
Cafeteria-Style Meals
Breakfasts and dinners (except for Wednesday night dinner) are relaxed, cafeteria-style meals that feature a variety of hot and cold dishes; vegetarian and vegan meals; gluten-free options; and a complete salad and dessert bar.
A student picks up food for his table in the servery.