Kellie Doucette ’88 P’18,’18,’21 delivered this chapel talk at the Trustee Weekend chapel service on Friday, Jan. 17.
Chapel Talks
Listen to or read some of the recent talks given by students, faculty, staff, parents, and guests, at services held in the A. Felix duPont Memorial Chapel.
Listen to a Chapel Talk
Joe Hickman ’74 P’00,’02,’05,’07 delivered this chapel talk at the Founders Day chapel service on Wednesday, Dec. 4.
Lamar Duncan ’20 delivered these remarks on November 8, 2024, during UNITED.
Elizabeth Ferguson P’25 delivered these remarks on October 27, 2024, during Fall Family Weekend.
Board of Trustees Member Christian Wilson ’01 delivered these remarks on October 11, 2024, during Trustee Weekend.
Outgoing President of Board of Trustees Scott Sipprelle ’81 P’08 gave this reflection at the Trustee Weekend chapel service on Friday, April 26.
2023 Distinguished Alumnus Recipient Everett McNair ’73 gave this reflection at the Founders Day chapel service on Wednesday, November 29.
Alumna Treava Milton ’83 gave this reflection at the UNITED chapel service on Friday, November 10.
Faculty member Dan O’Connell gave this reflection at a Wednesday night chapel service on October 4
Zachary Macalintal ’24 gave this reflection at a Wednesday night chapel service on May 17, hosted by the Asian Student Union in celebration of AAPI Heritage Month.
Yiru Wang ’25 and Connie Kang ’26 gave this reflection at a Wednesday night chapel service on May 17, hosted by the Asian Student Union in celebration of AAPI Heritage Month.
Sophie Xu ’23, Sophie Mo ’24, and Sophie Forbes ’25 gave this joint chapel talk at a Wednesday night service on May 17, hosted by the Asian Student Union in celebration of AAPI Heritage Month.
Lauren Hearder ’24 gave this reflection at a Wednesday night chapel service on May 17, hosted by the Asian Student Union in celebration of AAPI Heritage Month.
Seoyoon Kwon ’23 gave this reflection at a Wednesday night chapel service hosted on May 17 by the Asian Student Union in celebration of AAPI Heritage Month.
Katie Boyer ’25 shares how she is finding her identity, separate from the identities of her two older sisters, at St. Andrew's
Isaac Cheung ’25 shares the story of the push-pull between his love of (faraway) home and family, and his love of St. Andrew's
Elli Baker ’25 gave this chapel talk on the impact alcohol has had on her life and her family’s life
Rhaki Lum ’25 shares the story of the 24 hours that has dramatically impacted every day since then.
Read a Chapel Talk
Kellie Doucette ’88 P’18,’18,’21 delivered this chapel talk at the Trustee Weekend chapel service on Friday, Jan. 17.
Joe Hickman ’74 P’00,’02,’05,’07 delivered this chapel talk at the Founders Day chapel service on Wednesday, Dec. 4.
Lamar Duncan ’20 delivered these remarks on November 8, 2024, during UNITED.
Elizabeth Ferguson P’25 delivered these remarks on October 27, 2024, during Fall Family Weekend.
Board of Trustees Member Christian Wilson ’01 delivered these remarks on October 11, 2024, during Trustee Weekend.
Head of School Joy McGrath’s Remarks from the Old St. Anne’s Church Chapel Service on September 15, 2024
2023-2024 ASSIST scholar Vincent Von Der Forst ’25 reflected on leaving his home in Bavaria, Germany for a year of new friendships and experiences at St. Andrew’s in the final Chapel Talk of the school year.
Head of School Joy McGrath’s Remarks from Old St. Anne’s Church Chapel Service in May 2024
Head of School Joy McGrath’s Remarks to Parents from Arts Weekend 2024
Outgoing President of Board of Trustees Scott Sipprelle ’81 P’08 gave this reflection at the Trustee Weekend chapel service on Friday, April 26.
Classics Department Chair Phil Walsh gave this talk on Wednesday, March 20.
2023 Distinguished Alumnus Recipient Everett McNair ’73 gave this reflection at the Founders Day chapel service on Wednesday, November 29.
Alumna Treava Milton ’83 gave this reflection at the UNITED chapel service on Friday, November 10.
Trustee Sis Johnson P’11 gave this talk on Friday, September 29, during Trustee Weekend
Remarks from Head of School Joy McGrath ’92 at the final Sunday chapel service of the school year, held at Old St. Anne’s Church in Middletown.
Classics Department Chair Dr. Phil Walsh gave this talk in chapel on Wednesday, May 10
Lily Murphy ’23 gave this chapel talk at the annual student vestry chapel on April 26.
Ashley McIntosh ’25 delivered this chapel talk at a Wednesday night service organized by the Student Diversity Committee in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Diwali is a time to let the darkness in your past go and to welcome the light of the new into your world. Diwali is a time to reconnect with our culture and heritage.”
Several of the captains of fall sports teams spoke during an inspirational community chapel service on Friday, October 21. Here are some excerpts from their talks.