Matching Gifts
You can double or even triple the amount of your gift to St. Andrew's, at no additional cost to yourself, through employer matching gifts. Many companies and organizations will match charitable contributions made by employees and employee spouses. Search our matching gift database to determine whether or not your employer administers a matching gift program.
How to Make a Matching Gift
1. First, make a gift to St. Andrew's, and be sure to save your receipt. Many matching gift programs will match employee gifts up to one year after the date of donation.
2. Search for your company in our matching gift database below. Matching gift program limitations and procedures will vary widely from company to company; the database should provide a brief overview of yours.
3. There are two ways to submit the matching gift to St. Andrew's:
- Download your company's matching gift verification form using the link provided in its database description. Print the form, fill it out, and mail it to: Megan Altig, St. Andrew's School, 350 Noxontown Road, Middletown, DE
- Submit your matching gift request to your company (via its matching gift website or intranet, as specified in the database description); the company will then submit the matching gift directly to St. Andrew's.
Questions about matching gifts? Contact Megan Altig at 302-285-4258 or