
Pistis Kai Episteme | Faith & Learning

The St. Andrew’s academic program strives to instill in its students habits of thoughtfulness, curiosity, creativity, and independent critical thinking. These core values are expressed in the extraordinary vitality of our academic culture. A visit to campus will reveal classrooms, laboratories, and art studios that are at once lively, playful, and intellectually serious, and students who possess a sense of wonder and who are motivated and deeply engaged in their work. Indeed, it is this high level of academic engagement—a quality most educational research suggest is a precondition for success in college and professional life—that most distinguishes our graduates. At St. Andrew’s, students don’t simply “study” science, art, history; they work, under the careful guidance of our faculty, as apprentice scholars and artists. Through this process, students discover the joys and pleasure of deep learning and authentic inquiry—an experience, we hope, that will sustain them throughout their lives.