Contributing Writer Credit: Clara Scanlon ’23
At School Meeting this week, a group of VI Form students—Flynn Bowman ’22, Adelaide Dixon ’22, Phin Hunt ’22, and Elizabeth Rainey ’22—brought back the “Athlete of the Week” announcement after a two-year hiatus thanks to the pandemic and related protocols. This week's recipient of the honor is girls cross-country runner Lily Murphy ’23. Lily notched a PR at the New Castle County Championships on November 6 with a time of 19:41—a drop of 40 seconds from the previous week's DISC race, and close to a two-minute drop from her 2019 Counties time on the same course. She finished seventh overall, received All-Conference honors, and helped lead the team to a fifth place finish.
One of Lily’s peers, Clara Scanlon ’23, sat down with Lily to interview her about St. Andrew’s, cross-country, and... her blood type.
Clara: Hi Lily. Thanks for letting me interview you. Where are you from?
Lily: I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Clara: What is your favorite place on campus to hang out?
Lily: The cross-country trails. Whether I'm walking or running, they allow me to decompress and they're very peaceful. They're well-kept and I just think it's a beautiful way to connect with nature.
Clara: Explain how you came to St. Andrew's?
Lily: Well it’s a funny story. I originally did not want anything to do with St. Andrew's. No way was I going to a boarding school! And then my brother decided to come and I tagged along for the tour and I fell in love.
Clara: Who's a faculty member that’s had a positive impact on you and why?
Lily: Mr. O'Connell. I think he's very, very passionate. He’s one of my cross-country coaches and he just has so much insight that he's willing to share.
Clara: What is a challenge living at St. Andrew’s?
Lily: I would say the hardest thing for me about living at St. Andrew's is the separation from my family, especially from my animals.
Clara: What is your regular/ideal takeout order?
Lily: My ideal takeout order is the honey money roll from Asian City (a pan-Asian restaurant near St. Andrew's). I highly recommend everyone try it.
Clara: What is the best part of your day?
Lily: The best part of my day is when I finish cross-country practice. Once I've completed a hard practice and I’ve tried my best, it puts me on cloud nine every time. It's the best feeling.
Clara: What's your favorite view on campus?
Lily: The waterfront from the T-dock.
Clara: Give us an appreciation!
Lily: I have to appreciate my cross-country coach Ms. Carroll, because she takes a lot of time out of her day to spread the joy of running.
Clara: Weird question, but what is your blood type?
Lily: I have no idea.
Clara: No idea what your blood type is?
Lily: I have no clue what my blood type is.
Clara: What is something you wish you knew about St. Andrew's before you came here?
Lily: I wish I knew how close-knit the community was going to be. It wasn't something I expected.
Clara: Favorite dining hall drink?
Lily: The paso-guava juice! It isn't always in stock, but when they do have it, it's a true luxury for students.
Clara: Give a tip for incoming students.
Lily: My tip for new students is to make yourself uncomfortable and try something new. It sounds cliche, but I feel this is one of the best places to try something new. If it doesn't work out, it's very low-stakes and the environment is supportive no matter what happens.
Clara: Thanks Lily!